Manifold Path Guiding for Importance Sampling Specular Chains

Zhimin Fan*, Pengpei Hong*, Jie Guo, Changqing Zou, Yanwen Guo, Ling-Qi Yan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023)
[Paper] [Supplementary] [Slides] [Code]

Manifold Path Guiding

Complex visual effects such as caustics are often produced by light paths containing multiple consecutive specular vertices (dubbed specular chains), which pose a challenge to unbiased estimation in Monte Carlo rendering. In this work:

Our method achieves up to 40× variance reduction compared to state-of-the-art unbiased methods, particularly in scenes with long specular chains and complex visibility.

Limitations of Existing Approaches

MLT-basedStruggles with SDS paths despite specialized mutations.
Fitted DistributionsFail for pure specular cases (e.g., near point lights).
Specular Manifold Sampling (SMS)Performance degrades for long chains; ignores energy distributions.

Our Solution: Manifold Path Guiding

Key Figures



  title     = {Manifold Path Guiding for Importance Sampling Specular Chains},
  author    = {Fan, Zhimin and Hong, Pengpei and Guo, Jie and Zou, Changqing and Guo, Yanwen and Yan, Ling-Qi},
  journal   = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
  volume    = {42},
  number    = {6},
  year      = {2023},
  month     = {Dec},
  issue_date= {December 2023},
  articleno = {257},
  numpages  = {14}